Saturday, April 25, 2015

Adorable Rottweiler Puppy

Its so strange that "Rottweiler" is such a misunderstood dog breed. While I would use adjectives like "Obedient", "Intelligent", "Super Cute", "Adorable", "Fast Learner" etc., many people think the opposite.

Among all the Leo's videos shared on Youtube, the ones with the highest number of hits are the ones with the title "Barking", "Aggressive", "Growling" etc. These are the keywords, people associate with Rottweilers. Looks like I will start an NGO very soon to clear this air around Rottweilers ;) !! Ha ha

Its not just me but anyone who meets Leo is just taken aback by his love and innocence. He greets everyone with so much love that its impossible to remain untouched. But while he is extremely loving, he also owns too much of guard instinct. The moment there is a sound in the house, he does become a Rottweiler ! He will run towards the entrance door and start barking while being alert! Its fun to watch him doing this at the age of just 3-4 months!! His care and protectiveness towards his owner and family is majestic! Why would anyone not want to have a Rottweiler, I ask!

Leo has become popular in our neighbourhood! Starting from the neighbors to the guards to the friends, everyone is now more concerned about him than us! People have started visiting us more often since the day Leo has arrived, just to say "Hi" to him! Isn't that amazing?

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