Sunday, July 12, 2015

6 Months Old Rottweiler Puppy Pics

Leo is 6 months 6 days old today. He has grown up so big (in size) that we need to tell people its a puppy and not a dog :D !! Here are a few pics of Leo clicked in the last few days :



  1. Your rottweiler puppy is so cute! I grew up with a 105 pound black lab. He had big paws just like your dog when he was a puppy. I love big dogs, though. They make great hunting and camping companions.

    1. Hi Aaron,

      Thank you :) . Labradors are cute too, I too had a female golden lab and she was a cutie as well.

      Ditto, I like bigger dogs too, toy dogs are not for me.

  2. Your welcome, Kiran. I agree with you about toy dogs. However, you need a yard to own a bigger dog. I would feel bad keeping a bigger dog trapped in an apartment all day.

    1. Agreed, sad side of the story :( but if the dog is not left alone, its still better
